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Total time: 10 minutes

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Test Your Knowledge with our comprehensive divisibility Quiz. Read the instructions carefully before starting the divisibility Quiz.

  • This quiz covers the essential divisibility rules from 1 to 15.
  • You have only 10 minutes to complete the quiz.
  • If you do not answer any question within the allotted time, it will be marked as incorrect.
  • To skip a question, click the "NEXT" button, and return to any previous question using the "PREVIOUS" button.
  • Name and email ID required to view quiz results.
  • You must get a minimum of 50% marks to pass the quiz.
  • Click on the "START" button to participate in the quiz.

N.B. Do not refresh your browser during quiz time.

1 / 10

Is 729 divisible by 9?

2 / 10

Does 7 go into 763?

3 / 10

Is an even number always divisible by 2?

4 / 10

A number is divisible by 4 if:

5 / 10

Is 523 divisible by 3?

6 / 10

A number with the last digit 0 means:

7 / 10

Is 528 divisible by 6?

8 / 10

Is 539 divisible by 7?

9 / 10

Is 940 divisible by 4?

10 / 10

Which of the following numbers is divisible by 8?

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